We can support your change work by bringing a range of skills and experience – it’s a mix and match approach in which bespoke solutions are created with you for systems change.
..bringing people together to work in partnership is the foundation of making change. How we work together, the relationships we create, the connections between us as people forge the connections between the systems in which we work. Collective Change can work with you to create a container for collective action, establishing collaborative governance structures, building a shared purpose, co-designing action and creating shared accountability. Working together to create change.
…bringing together ideas, evidence and lived experience and engaging people through the written word is important in making change. Words are important to us. Be it a submission, a report, public collateral, briefs, newsletters, advocacy materials – how we communicate can create shared understanding, build momentum, inspire and inform. Clearly articulating what is needed to make change.
…design and facilitation of participatory process to harness the collective wisdom and self-organising capacity of groups of any size. Focussing on need and purpose through the design and delivery of forums and workshops to achieve positive outcomes for individuals, groups and communities. Hearing the diversity of voices in the room builds trust and inclusion. We can help design and host community engagement such as forums and workshops as well as organisational processes such as strategic planning and team building. Having the conversations that matter to create change.
… delivering outcomes through project management and delivery, creating shared workplans, establishing accountabilities and monitoring activities and outcomes. Our experience tells us that this is critical – particularly when projects involve collaborative work across diverse people and organisations. Getting things done to create change.